Soma Glow Facial Serum
$35.00 – $60.00
This luxurious facial oil blend is faster absorbing than the Shakti Glow Facial Serum and is perfect for more oily or combination skin types. Tamanu oil and Black Cumin oil are particularly healing for scars, acne, rosacea, perioral dermatitis, and any red inflammed skin condition. Camellia (green tea) seed oil has been used for hundreds of years by geishas and is also a dry oil, so perfect for the Pitta girls, or those that want a faster absorbing oil.
Jojoba seed oil is actually a wax that is identical to human skin sebum. Tridoshic in quality, jojoba is my go to recommendation for sensitive skin types and is the main part of the seed base for the oil. Carrot seed, raspberry seed, and the CO2 essential oils in this formula provide light sun protection and heal sun damage, so this is perfect for a busy morning when you have time to put one product on your face – make it this one. Frankincense and sandalwood essential oils encourage cell turnover and specifically reverse sun damage. Helichrysum is one of the most powerful essential oils for beauty and skin health. Known as everlasting in some languages, helichrysum contains diketones which can reverse age spots as well as adding a heavenly note to the scent profile.
Organic/Wildcrafted Ingredients:
1/2oz bottle $35
1oz bottle $60
Please specify glass dropper bottle or glass bottle with an orifice top.
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