About Sarah
Sarah Barasch is a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner (2 years of study), Certified Panchakarma Technician, Reiki Master, Medicinal Aromatherapist and Ayurvedic Bodyworker.
Sarah finds that Ayurvedic oil treatments, energy work/Neurovascular Therapy and Ayurvedic bodywork treatments appeal to veterans of massage as well as people just beginning their journey of healing. Sarah feels a synergy with flower essences, gemstone minerals and aromatherapy and is happy to add those treats to any session. Herbs and bodywork may form a crucial role in helping you shift and change your life so that your body/mind/spirit can thrive and heal.
Sarah’s Ayurvedic health counseling helps clients find relief from:
-digestive distress: IBS, acid reflux, constipation, Crone’s, SIBO, leaky gut
-chronic pain, RA, fibromyalgia, aches and pains
-emotional pain: anxiety, depression, resentment
-chronic fatigue, low libido, low immunity
-balancing hormones, especially hot flashes and PMS
Personalized flower essence formulas, essential oil protocols, herbal teas, traditional herbal oils, and powder herbal formulas provide immediate relief on an emotional, spiritual, and physical level. Sarah guides clients through shifts in their lifestyle, food, routines and helps them unravel the hidden patterns in their lives that form the root of illness and acute symptoms. She empowers the client to become their own practitioner and understand how their conditions, symptoms and treatment protocols may change throughout the seasons and stages of their lives.
Sarah’s journey of Reiki and Ayurvedic healing began in 2000 when she saw a Reiki healer/counselor to heal trauma, mental illness and reclaim contentment and joy. Sarah practices meditation, Yoga, Qi Gong, mindfulness, EFT, GeoTran, Ayurveda and other complementary techniques.
Sarah completed two years of Ayurveda study at the Kanyakumari Ayurveda and Yoga Wellness Center in Milwaukee, and two years of supervised internship. She started providing lifestyle/health coaching sessions as an Ayurveda Health Counselor in 2013. Ayurveda is the sister health science of Yoga and stems from ancient India. She holds memberships with the Hands-On Trade Association and the National Ayurvedic Medical Association (NAMA).
Sarah is also a freelance filmmaker, editor, Mandarin tutor, rabble rouser, and holds a B.A. in Comparative Literature from Beloit College. She lives in a small town outside Madison where she enjoys playing with her 4 year old daughter, cooking, hiking, and watching Downton Abbey, North and South, Indian Summers, or any dramatization of an old or new British novel.